3/10/2013 1:00:00 PM
3/10/2013 2:23:00 PMI didn't realize Evergreen held that many spiny rays. Of course, I think they rehabbed that one when I was living on the East Coast, and before that, it was full of 4" perch. Always thought of it as an Alpo McTrout body of water. I may have to check it out.
And I sympathize with the pontoon issue - I'm wishing I'd put my money into a jon boat, rather than a pontoon (like jiggy did) - the latter are too susceptible to leaks. It took me months to finally iron out the issues associated with my first leak. The manufacturers need to make those outer fabric shells out of Kevlar, rather than nylon. My pontoons are all torn up, and I've been pretty careful about not dragging it over rocks, logs, etc.

3/10/2013 3:44:00 PMTluedeke: Actually Evergreen is pretty good for bass, walleye and panfish at times. Late summer it gets covered with Yellow Jackets, but other than that is fun. The irony is when Jiggy gets well enough, we are going to seal the leaks in his jon boat. Truck bed liner pretty much seals any riveted boat, and quiets the inside. Kevlar is a good idea, but I bet it would be expensive. You could duck behind it if someone shot at you, too!
The 11 bodies of water were fairly near each other, and I can really move when motivated when I am alone with the light rig. Big boat? One a day.

3/10/2013 4:41:00 PMso if you come my way let me know

3/10/2013 7:08:00 PM
3/10/2013 7:15:00 PM
3/10/2013 9:43:00 PM
The Jigmiester
3/11/2013 12:19:00 AM
3/11/2013 8:07:00 AMRocky: Thanks for the info.
Jiggy: Glad to hear your up and about. Thought you shouldn't be, or I'd of asked you along. Not so lame after all! Burke was kicking out the trout, but the rest were medium action on the panfish. Still, any day with around 100 fish ain't bad.