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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



46° - 50°
Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

My friend Jeff and I took our boys out for a little fishin trip, they wanted a catchin trip, but it was mostly a fishin trip. One fish landed, a few bites. Very slow for us today. My other son was with us too and he took a header in the boat and split his head open. He's only three, but after a few minute cry he was better, thought it might need a couple stitches, but it wasn't bleeding too bad. We used wedding rings tipped with crawler, various colors, needlefish and a mack's smiley blade fly. Saw a few fish getting netted, about a dozen boats out on the water. Slow day for us, probably should have paid closer attention to the electronics, but with three boys on the boat, easier said than done. My boy is the one on the right. Everyone was around the weather bouy and north of there. I'm thinking working the Issaquah creek mouth should be getting going soon. Any thoughts guys?


3/13/2013 3:33:00 PM
Hi docshane, Good to see you're back at em'. How's the recovery going? Try olive green bunny leeches tipped with a whole Gulp Red Wiggler on three colors lead with 60' fluro leader. Put a small swivel 4 or 5' up the line, troll 1.7 to 2.3 mph. If they are short striking add a stinger hook.

Tight lines - Alan
3/13/2013 5:54:00 PM
Way to keep those boys smilin'!
3/13/2013 9:50:00 PM
By the way great picture of the boys...smiles all around! Kids catching fish is great fun!
3/14/2013 8:56:00 AM
Heck yeah. Thanks guys. Things are pretty good with the knee, at least I can get the boat and kids out. Thanks for the tips, I am going to tie up some flies that I think would work good in Sammamish for fun. The only tears that day was when colton split his head open, beautiful day on the water, even got a little sunburn. See y'all out there.
guide dog
3/14/2013 10:50:00 AM
Great report, but PLEASE keep the straps buckled on those life jackets. A life jacket can easily slip off when a child is dumped into the water. Fish safe , have fun.
3/14/2013 12:37:00 PM
No life jacket? Almost lost my younger brother when he was about the same age as your son due to him falling over and not wearing his PFD.
3/14/2013 1:49:00 PM
Not my kid and not my boat. My kids don't get to go on the dock without a lifevest. 100% of the time, no exceptions. I don't parent other people's kids (although I did suggest it about 10 times). If it is my boat, my rules and all kids under 18 have life jackets on 100% of the time. I knew someone was going to notice that, that's why I said specifically my kid was on the right and that I was on a friend's boat. Very observant you guys are. Well done.
3/15/2013 5:44:00 AM
Sorry for the kid getting the bump, but still nice day on water with friends. I was just wondering what speed were you trolling at? Due to we have a a few cold days in March the cuts and bows in Lake Sammamish require a slower troll and presentation. They are not attacking the bait and lures as much. End of April will be a whole different option. Only 3 places i fish this time of year, cross the front of Issaquah creek double back then straight out from the creek 300 yards and repeat, Down the middle mile past the 7/11 on east lake sammamish parkway or left side just past sunken forest starting at Sambica on and 2 miles past Vasa park. Slow troll .6 - .9 mpr using dick nites, Rapala floater trout or silver and my favorite Apex tipped with Shrimp and procure UV shrimp sent................. p.s. keep the kids pfd's in the car when visiting friends, specially if you expect you may go fishing.... tight lines d=^ )
3/15/2013 8:06:00 AM
I actually swung by my morton building and got some vests for my boys, because you're right kokaholic, you never know if the proper life vests will be on another person's boat. Good thing I did or we would've been buying a couple more at Fred Meyer. I also think the presentation has had to be a bit slower in these colder months, seems like I get most of my bites lately at 1.2-1.4 though. I will try going REALLY slow to see what hits, but I typically find that when I slow way down and get a strike, most of the time it's a kokanee. I like all the areas you describe, but I have never really worked the sunken forest section too much over to Vasa. I always look at the nice cove vasa sits in and wonder why I don't fish it and to be honest, I don't see too many guys hitting it either. I think the next time I'm out, that'll be the second spot I try, after the creek mouth.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709