3/26/2013 10:30:00 PM
3/26/2013 10:41:00 PM
3/26/2013 11:58:00 PM
3/27/2013 9:18:00 AM
3/27/2013 12:28:00 PMThe second guy not popping right up & hypothermia were exactly what we were worried about. The sun was out but it's still cold enough that our dog refused to go in the lake. I still can't believe all those boats just sat & watched. I swear.... other peoples kids...

3/27/2013 1:39:00 PM
3/27/2013 2:06:00 PMSorry you had to experience that at Steel Lake. I wanted to add some comments about the incident at Beaver Lake yesterday as I was in one of the boats out there. There were about 4 or 5 boats out there. Two of them (including mine) to the left of the boat launch. Once the boat turned over the guy next to me got his line completely wrapped up in the motor (as a result of trying to get turned around quickly and moving towards the sinking boat) and couldn't get anywhere. At the same time I started moving towards the overturned boat and so did the other boaters and that was pretty much immediately and not within minutes. What may not be readily apparent from shore is the fact that with a 30 lb thrust trolling motor on a 14.5 ft boat going against the wind it can take some time to get anywhere even on highest speed.
I'm glad they were ok and you did the right thing calling 911.

3/27/2013 2:12:00 PM
3/27/2013 9:24:00 PM
3/27/2013 9:29:00 PM
3/27/2013 10:39:00 PMSo, the sunken boat was retrieved? Or looked like it sunk, but didn't? Had to be some cooold water!
Last year on Wapato, near Chelan. My dad and I were the first on the scene, and witnessed a elderly man floating well behind the 12ft aluminum boat they were trolling from. The woman had her back against the side of the boat, with it listing below the surface of the water. The electric motor had the boat doing wide lazy circles. She could not move! The boat was too full water, helping the listing problem. They both had life preservers on. The old guy was floating on his back, laughing hysterically! Never asked if she was alright or indicated to her, that he was okay! Just joyously laughed. Crazy thing is, the last couple of years, the sheriff boat has been present. Doing on the water safety checks of fishing vessels. They were oblivious of the incident. Yet I could clearly see them before, and after the incident. The sheriff boat was checking other boats as another boat towed the half filled boat back to shore. It was maybe a half hour later, we saw the sheriff boat. Hit full throttle, headed to the resort. Where the half filled boat was towed. It was a rental boat, #14 if I remember correctly.