4/1/2013 12:37:00 PM
4/1/2013 6:09:00 PM
Mike Carey
4/2/2013 6:37:00 AM
4/2/2013 10:29:00 AMOr are sunflashers similar to "pop gear", also called a "gang troll"? A lighter version would be called "flash lights". Both have a series of spinning blades. Pop gear and gang troll are equipped with metal blades, flash lights have a (milar?) blade like a Mack's smile blade.

4/2/2013 8:40:00 PMMy apologies MotoBoat, I've always referred to them as Sunflashers and Gangtroll but they are listed as Cowbell flashers. I've had the best luck with gold blades and troll very slow, ,8 - 1,4 mph. Varying the speed always helps to trigger bites in my opinion, Behind those I run a wedding ring with fly. Last year I didn't do so well but I've landed at least 20 trout over 10lb with that setup so I know it works for that lake.