The Quadfather
4/10/2013 3:36:00 PM
4/10/2013 4:59:00 PM
4/10/2013 10:58:00 PM
4/11/2013 7:41:00 AMdownriggeral: There are two boat launch's that I am aware of, one at Beer Can beach where I fished. The launch there requires a 4X4 as the lake level has receded way below the concrete boat ramp and to launch you have to drive in the sand. The other Launch is at the next bay over to the east which is closed intil June 1. That boat launch is great, two ramps all in great condition with floats. There are several campsites there as well. The is another beach called Baines beach which has access to non tribal members but Im not sure how to get there, I believe it is on the west side of lake.
Motoboat: Saturday night it snowed at the higher elevations, we could see it in the foothills but no snow at the lake level in the town of Omak.

4/12/2013 7:08:00 AM
4/12/2013 9:18:00 AMa little further up hi way 155 on the right is North End Omak Lake road, this will take you down to the cove with the good boat launch. This launch open June 1st

4/13/2013 12:54:00 AM?
Special Restriction
: March 1 to May 31st
Catch and release only
The north embayment is closed to non-
member boating and fishing.
All islands are closed to non-member
I believe Beer Can Beach is slang for most locals here, I believe on paper it's Nichol's Beach. The Mission Bay is the one you're referring to on the north end. Someone can probably correct me if I'm mistaken but I believe Baine's Beach is on the south of the lake if you take Katar Road right off Columbia River Road. I believe it's about a mile drive down on a dirt road. I see lots of people unloading pontoon boats and float tubes there but haven't tried it yet, definitely want to some day and probably will this next year.