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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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I-82 Ponds Lake Report
Yakima County, WA


71° - 75°
Bottom Fishing From Boat

Is this National Perch Day or something? I didn't get the memo.

Just went to 3 ponds, 1, 4, and 6, and caught only perch. Not one other fish, but a pile of them. 20 smallish ones on pond 1, 4 on pond 4 (bit of a shock), and around 250 on pond 6. They're right at spawning stage, with all the males spraying white (I advise waders). The weird thing was there were no crappie or bluegill or sunfish, nor did I even see any in the shallows. Pond 6 was pretty much 2 at a time, around 9", in deep water, beyond the moss edges. Standard perch gear: Jiggy lures, tubes, worms, pretty much anything you get in front of them. Tight schools, a little hard to find, but once you do... At 2:15 the bite just stopped, cold. Not a nibble after that. Odd day, but fun!


4/25/2013 6:21:00 PM
Hey F.C. nice catch do you fillet your fish or skin and fry?
4/25/2013 8:51:00 PM
I fillet all my fish. My grandad taught me to never have a bone in any fish we ate. The last bone I had in any of ours was about 50 years ago, and he never let me forget it! (not in a bad way) Kept around 20.
4/25/2013 9:29:00 PM
Never got to fish with my grandads only got to work with them. One in the hops in Moxee and the other in Montana in the hay some day we will fish together and trade some story' s. lord willing.
4/26/2013 8:04:00 AM
Good idea!
4/26/2013 4:26:00 PM
Where in Pond 6 do the perch spawn? It's a big enough lake that I have trouble figuring out where anything spawns. The only real structure is the island, and it seems too early for weed beds to really be present. There is junk (tumbleweeds) and the like at the east end the last, last time I was there.

I'm also surprised the perch haven't spawned yet - they tend to spawn at around 46°F - is that all the warmer the I82 ponds are at this point?

I really want to go out tomorrow, but it's looking the typical pattern of calm, warm, sunny weekdays, and a bloody hurricane during the weekend .... it's beginning to make me cross.
4/26/2013 8:07:00 PM
Yeah, I'm starting to really dislike that pattern. Keeps me local, and interferes with fishing with friends who aren't their own bosses.
They spawn shallow. I have seen some eggs for various species around in the weeds.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709