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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
61° - 65°

Didn't plan on going out today. But saw it was suppose to be dry today. So I had a late start today.
Missed morning traffic though, which was nice. Got on the water a little after 10. Didn't start fishing until about 10:30 or so. Started off with a spinnerbait. Mixing in with dropshot and trying shakeyhead.

1.5hrs in and I only get 1 strike and it was on the shakeyhead. Lake was a little windy, just barely manageable for me. Anyways, I boated to a different area. I tied on a shallow crankbait. Tried working the docks but didn't see or feel anything happening. I start fan casting farther out into deeper water and I finally get a solid strike and fish on!

15" SMB @ 1lb14oz. 2nd bass of the year. Beat my last one by 14oz, lol.

5-10mins later, I get a big strike. Knew it was going to be a quality fish.
18" @ 3lb3oz. .Had some girth to it. Woot

Then 15 mins and I get another solid strike.
17" @ 2lb14oz

So after no fish for almost 2 hours. I get 3 in ~30-40 mins along this ~100yard stretch of shoreline. I was stoked.

I tried finding similar spots on my map to target. I get up to the northern end of the lake. Worked about 100yards of shoreline on the west side and nada, not even a nibble. I go across to the east side and work another 100yards and get 1 solid strike on my crankbait. Didn't stick though.

It's about 2PM now and I'm actually heading in. But I was going by a place I remember spotting a LMB last time I was out and it had similar lake structure that I was targeting. 10 mins in and I get a fish on, on my crank in the shallows ~4-5'. Just a dink SMB. Maybe 9-10".

I continue along and I get a decent strike with fish on. It was about a 13" SMB. But what I noticed was it's buddies. Had 2 about the same size chasing it and 1 slightly bigger at maybe 15" or so. I released the fish as soon as possible and tried catching the others. Switching up with a dropshot and shakey into the mix. Couldn't locate them. As I was drifting while tying, I spotted a large fish in about 4' of water. At first glance, I thought it was a crap until I saw it turn. It was a 5-6lb LMB just cruising along. I tried throwing as many things in front of it as possible, but it wasn't interested. I manage to tie on a wacky worm and tossed it out really quick. Nada. Wind picked up a bit and lost it while following.

Did manage to caught a couple more SMB, ~12-13" in the general area. A couple of perch. Got my first ever shakeyhead fish. Not what I was expecting, but a 10" perch, lol.

I lost a couple in that area too. 1 was a ~15" SMB. I saw my lure swimming and then I see something dart towards it. Flash of green and fish on! Then flash again and gone.

I start packing up my stuff. While doing this, I drop the trolling rod into the water and start trolling. Caught a 16" chunky trout.

I caught all my bass on 1 crankbait. 1 perch on a shakeyhead and jerkbait.


The Quadfather
5/14/2013 8:57:00 PM
Wow Fishinfool,, your time on Samammish has paid off!
5/14/2013 9:00:00 PM
Damn, that 3rd pic in is a fatty! Way to go! Jealous, my outing there a week ago didnt prevail much :(
5/14/2013 9:10:00 PM
Oh yeah, I found a dime at the boat ramp today while unloading. Looks like it was a lucky dime after all, lol.
5/15/2013 8:44:00 AM
very nice! that one fish is a hog! thick!
5/15/2013 8:56:00 AM
You the man FF! Thats how to get it done. #KillingIt
5/15/2013 12:21:00 PM
And that only ranked a 4!? Great day!
5/15/2013 2:37:00 PM
Great going. I spent only a couple hours on Meridian today, did fine tho.
5/19/2013 10:47:00 AM
Great trip!!! Getting ready to head out myself for a little R&R!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709