5/22/2013 9:11:00 AMaround the very back of the lake where that small pond type area is, you can catch good trout just as the water necks down, there seems to be hole there where they congregate for a couple months after being stocked initially. until its fished out at least.

Lou Smith
5/22/2013 10:44:00 AM
5/22/2013 3:20:00 PMDustin... A few years ago when I fist started trolling this lake we killed them on the flat fish and hot shot. I did try one the other day with no hits. I'm just not sure the fish were that interested in eating to begin with that day.. but thanks for the heads up!

5/22/2013 10:06:00 PMMe and some friends have been putting a whoop to the trout with flies. But it seems to be a reoccuring pattern, if they don't want flies, the guys on the bank are doing better, or they want hardware.
I've also struggled bass fishing this lake, SEEN and HEARD there are large bass in the lake, but I've never had success... That or I'm having to much fun C&R trout all day :P