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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



61° - 65°
Rainbow Trout
All Day
51° - 55°

Got out on lake about 8:30? Started with downrigger, sling blade, 12" line to wedding ring and worm. I got one on the side side of the main island about 10am. It was drizzly, but not too cold. A lot of boats started showing up all over the lake.

About an hour later after trolling a several depths up to 50 feet, nothing so I change to the sling blade and pink hootchie with pink gulp maggots. Nada...

Went back to the first rig and made it to the south section. Nothing. I only noticed a couple fish holding here. Saw two jump.

Headed to the boat house and pulled a yellow black spotted flatfish behind a 000 silver dodger and trolled from the marina on the south end back toward Bills BH. Nada.

Changed up again to first rig but put on a pink gulp worm on the wedding ring in about 70' water down 30' trolling north from Bills. Pow! nice Koke. Marked the spot, swing back around and from 1pm to 3pm got my other 4 fish.

Weather web fish time showed it should have been a morning bite, but it took off once I got tuned in. Troll speed almost every time was 2.4-2.8. Seemed like I was zooming by most boats, but in talking to a lot of guys, most were not having any luck. Even Bills dock fisherguys.

Had a very tasty dinner. Ate 4 smaller fish and smoke the bigger fish. I'll get back out a couple more time for 2 more limits so I can smoke these critters. 4 cups brown sugar 3/4 non-iodized salt; Dry coat the fillets; put in fridge for 4-5 hours; lightly rinse; put on trays to let air dry 2 hours; put in pre-warmed smoker; add one pan apple chips; check at 4 hours; vac pack and they are awesome!

Happy fishing. Hope to see ya there.

God Bless these United States of America.


Russ Carver
6/3/2013 9:04:00 PM
Brine and smoke sounds good . Thank you for the report.
6/4/2013 4:04:00 AM
Another dry briner,Works great,saves time and effort,I've always dry brined my fish,gives them a nice glaze.
6/4/2013 10:11:00 PM
Began smoking fish, using a wet brine. Tried dry brine, when that seemed popular. Dry brine resulted in inconsistently brined fillet's on a regular basis. Be it trout, or salmon. Went back to liquid brine. Much happier, again. Plus, with wet any seasoning can be added by stirring it in. Layered fillets with dry brine really locks you into whatever flavor or salt content is there. My taste does not like "Salty". If the brine is salty, something sweet goes in, and probably something acidic. Like citris or my personal favorite brine addition "Wine".
Mark Collett
6/6/2013 9:37:00 AM
You might try using Captain Morgans Spiced Rum on your smoked fish. Adds a unique taste.Really good with salmon.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709