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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Tiger Lake Report
Mason County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
61° - 65°

I got to Tiger around 11 am, but as I am inclined to do, while setting up my inflatable, I got to talking, and didn't launch until close to noon. I have only fished Tiger once prior, in a friend's boat, and so wasn't really that familiar with it, only having trolled for trout, that time last year. Since the wind was blowing north, I figured I'd troll south, checking for likely bass areas, and then let the wind move me along the way back, stopping at selected spots. Fishers on the shore weren't having great success, but once I got out there, the trout started hitting. I'd kept 3 that were 12"+ by the time the lake started to get more shallow. I stopped trolling, and sped up to hit the south end.

There are a number of smaller beds of lily pads, so I threw my Rapala to the edge of a likely candidate, and it got slammed hard! I really appreciated using my lighter casting gear and figured I had about a 12" largemouth on the end. Well no such luck. This was a hog of a rainbow! It's shape was almost closer to that of a bass, than a trout! I guess lurking in those pads had been a good strategy for him! I let him go, and he happily headed back there.

I caught a couple more that way, but many others just followed my lure back to the boat. All the way back to the launch I didn't see one bass and so finally gave up, planning to troll for one or two more rainbows. I got one right away but he was only 11" so I let him go, but before I could catch a 5th with bait, a speed boat took over the lake with 2 float tubes doing his best to cover the lake and flip the two guys behind. I headed in with 3 nice rainbows for a neighbor, and a day's relaxation under the belt! Though the weather wasn't nearly as nice as predicted, having explored this lake much more, I really like it, speed boat and occupants aside!


bob johansen
6/10/2013 4:14:00 PM
I have fished Tiger Lake 3 or 4 times for bass but have never caught one or seen one - doubt if any bass live there. Talk about big trout on bass gear = check out Mike Careys report on Spencer.
6/10/2013 4:41:00 PM
Bob: The plan was actually to head to Spencer to try to find some bass and then that morning I got a call from 2 friends who, at the last minute, couldn't make it! Tiger is closer so I figured I'd save Spencer for next weekend, or as soon as we can all go. I'm not sure how I should feel on your news - good because I have a perfect reason for not catching bass, or bad because I spent that long fishing for something that isn't there! Conclusion: I enjoyed the day either way, and now am extra inspired to hit Spencer!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709