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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Downs Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


86° - 90°
71° - 75°

I am rating this as a 2, but it is not really quite fair. I did fish this during the middle of the day and not during the best times of early or late.

I caught of couple of bass and missed a few using top water baits over the thick weeds, but the weeds were still pretty thick. I also had some luck using punch rigs to get through the matts, but again, the weeds are pretty thick and my 1 ounce weight was not heavy enough.

I went to fish for perch and I only caught two, but they were super fat. Due to the heat, the perch have not pulled out of the pads yet for the deep water and are buried up in the Spatterdock. You could listen when the when the winds were down and you could hear them popping the underside of the floating matts; they appeared to be quite numerous. I saw one fisherman with a very large perch that looked like it was at least 12 plus inches long and super thick --- this bodes well for the time when the water cools down just a little.

The water temperature is still 72 to 74 degrees, off colored, with weeds overgrown. The path on the east side to the main lake is weeded over and not passible with a boat. The path on the West side is narrow but it is quite open.

My suggestion is to call the Resort for a current report (509) 235-2314 or contact them by email (Biggrundel1@comcast.net). I found that they also have a winter number now (509) 953-4286. As a side note, one or two weeks of cooler water will make all of the difference on the perch and bass success.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709