10/25/2013 7:02:00 PM
10/25/2013 7:30:00 PM
10/26/2013 9:19:00 AMWeekend-warrior17: I have never purposely fished for walleye, but have caught them while fishing for smallmouth at both Banks Lake and Moses Lake. The biggest one was a dandy, close to 8 lbs, and that was on my first cast on the water that year with a dropshot at Banks Lake. Fileted, they were delicious. In fact, when the wife and I went back to Wisconsin last year I made a point of ordering it in a restaurant. But I've said it before, I would probably enjoy walleye fishing, but living in Federal Way, the nearest walleye waters are so danged far away.

10/28/2013 11:59:00 AM