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Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Fourth of July Lake Report
Adams County, WA



26° - 30°
Ice Fishing
Rainbow Trout
All Day
Under 40°

Me and a buddy went up to Fourth of July both yesterday and today. It didn't seem like anyone was doing any good, but we defied the odds.
Yesterday we got on the lake about 10:30 and in about five minutes my buddy iced a 20 inch bow. We had constants hookups but we lost quite a few. We ended the day with six fish kept. The trick was maggots and jigs.
Today was a little more productive. We both had limits of fish under 14" in about two hours. At about noon, it slowed wayyy down. We thought the fish might be done for the day, when my buddy hooked into a horse. He played it for almost five minutes before I was able to pull it out of the hole. It went 24" and weighed easily four pounds. We ended up catching one more before we left, and everyone we talked to on the way out either hadn't done any good at all, or had only caught one or two. Overall it was a great weekend. We caught plenty of fish, and we had bites every 10-15 minutes.


12/30/2013 3:58:00 PM
That's one good looking rainbow.
12/30/2013 4:16:00 PM
You DO realize, of course, that once you've gotten your limit of sub-14" fish using bait, YOU NEED TO STOP. Catching additional fish is called "Poaching". Fourth of July Lake has a clear daily limit (per http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01500/wdfw01500.pdf , Page 91: "No min. size. Daily limit 5. Up to 2 over 14" may be retained." On Page 19 it says "When fishing with bait, all TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit whether kept or released." Had you been fishing at Fourth of July on "Opening Day" (Sunday, December 1, 2013) like I was, you would have been greeted by a WDFW agent who would have fined you for Poaching.
12/30/2013 6:23:00 PM
No we weren't poaching. I didn't mention that when I said we caught limits under 14", I meant that we caught three apiece. Our goal afterwards was the fish over 14". Sorry for the confusion. We only ended up catching eight, and keeping seven. @dluders
12/31/2013 10:55:00 AM
Hey fishcop STFU! good job K9 nice fish!
12/31/2013 1:28:00 PM
Hey thanks man! But cut the guy some slack, I guess I just need to learn to be more informative so I don't piss other people off. @buc
1/6/2014 5:38:00 PM
where can you get maggots from.
1/12/2014 1:51:00 AM
White Elephant @tyler_niles_15
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709