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Newman Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


41° - 45°
Tiger Muskie
Under 40°

Water was cold cold cold. still had ice on it Saturday. Put boat in water at 5:15 and about 6:00 i had my first Tiger Musky.
So anyhow I guess i posted this to ask the question,,, do Musky get whorling disease? fish was about 45 in. and had a serious curve in his back.


3/18/2014 5:08:00 PM
According to the Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxobolus_cerebralis , Whorling Disease only affects salmonids. "Recreational and sports fishers can help to prevent the spread of the parasite in a number of ways. Cleaning fishing equipment between fishing trips and never transporting fish from one body of water to another should protect against cross-contamination of waterways. Spores are particularly persistent in felt-soled wading shoes, which should be treated with 10% chlorine bleach and water for at least 15 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly. Fish bones or entrails should never be disposed of in any body of water, since spores from the carcass will be released into the waterway. Salmon and trout should not be used as bait."
3/19/2014 4:56:00 PM
Thanks for that bit of info. I am very curious as to what caused the VERY OBVIOUS crook in my Muskies back? i have seen the effects of it ( Whorling Disease) on trout in the Clark fork, and it looked very similar. Wish i was better atpics so i could post 1 off my phone.
Evergreen Esox
3/20/2014 12:44:00 PM
Nice work catching a chilled musky so early. I like to fish Silver in early spring by trolling a few select baits myself. I wonder if your twisted tiger was a defect from the rearing pools, like the torn up tails. Or just the odd musky out that has a cosmetic defect, like the snub nosed tigers I've caught across the state. I've helped stock the little guys a couple times now in the spring, we have always separated out any fish with defects. Well, obviously this hasn't handicapped the fish if she reached 45". Good catch, very interesting and thanks for sharing.
3/21/2014 7:46:00 AM
Talked with an Idaho fish and game person at the Bighorn show last night and showed him the pic, He seems to confirm what you just said (evergreen esox) that it is most likely a defect.
3/26/2014 12:08:00 PM
Congrats on the first tiger of the year! If you have pictures, I bet either myself or the club members could match it. We have caught a few on Newman with crooked backs. Last one I remember was caught I think by Craig, of Yank-n-Jaw. Looked more like it had been hit by a boat and survived.
3/29/2014 9:52:00 PM
LOL Doug, sounds like him (hit by boat). was out again this afternoon and its still tough fishin. got a pic on my phone but not to good at downloading them to hear, not gonna even try. If ya see me on newman in the camo duck boat with the merc. jet ask to see the pic i would be glad to show it off.
4/3/2014 8:12:00 PM
what are some spring muskie techniques?
AJ's Dad
4/4/2014 6:16:00 PM
Well folks I saw the photo of this fish about an hour ago when I ran into ruffneck at the White Elephant. That was one ugly fish. Kind of the Elephant Man of the Tiger Musky world. I wouldn't mind catching it one day though.
4/8/2014 9:01:00 PM
Thanks AJ's Dad, it was ugly in a beat up kinda way, as for technique Teenfisher, just put your time in with a good proven plug and they will find it .
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709