3/25/2014 6:41:00 PMNever done well on Bullhead with anything other then plain old night crawlers, or dead pieces of fish. I have done well on Channel Cats with chicken liver. In the case of Hog, it appears that the fish are Brown Bullheads if the picture given in January is true representation.
Bullheads can be a real problem as they can overpopulate. They spawn in May so I wish I could fish it at night and get some of the larger ones. In my day, any bullhead 12" or more would be on my stringer. Yum Yum. I see that some 16" were caught, and that is almost unbelievable....... almost. I have caught them that size before and if there are some that big then the cats are not overpopulated yet.
I see Hog as a real problem in that with Catfish in place, they have no higher tier predator to keep the populations down. Because it is a winter fishery only, we humans cannot do our job in keeping them down either. Catching cats through the ice is not a high percentage method. Catching them this time of year is not a high percentage proposal either.
Still, if I remember correctly, the season at Hog is over the end of this month, so catch them now if you can. Wish I could join in them, love the bullheads, filleted, soaked in milk for 10 minutes, drained, dredged in flour and cornmeal, fried....... getting hungry now.

3/25/2014 8:36:00 PM
Jay K
3/25/2014 8:40:00 PM
3/26/2014 9:02:00 PM
3/26/2014 9:58:00 PM
3/28/2014 1:50:00 PMI struck out, but the current fisheries manager with the state did catch a couple of bullheads. Fishing at the state launch at night, about now, might just work.