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Hanson Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



51° - 55°
Top Fishing From Shore
Cutthroat Trout

I met up with Ajfishdude at 7:00am at the dnr gate on Scotty Rd in granite falls. We hiked to lake chitwood on our way to lake Hanson, stopped and fished there for 20 minutes. I caught a nice 12" cutthroat on a nightcrawler under a bobber shortly after we started fishing. He was using salmon eggs in a spawn sac, getting hits but not connecting.just before we left he brought in a a small juvenile cutt, and released it. We then continued on to our original destination, lake Hanson. We got there at around 9:00am. I started off using a bobber and worm and immediately had a lot of action, set the hook, fish on! A beautiful hard fighting 12 1/2" cutthroat on my line, and landed.cast back out and bam another one. It was slow for Ajfishdude at first, then he switched to worms. There was a lull in action for both of us, until we figured out that we needed to move down the shoreline, then the action picked up and Ajfishdude caught up and put 3 fish on the stringer within 30 minutes. Wasn't much longer after that,we both limited., me with 5 on the stringer, him with 4 and the juvenile he released at chitwood. We packed up at 11:15 and left. The weather was calm steady mist/rain. What an excellent outing it was, awesome scenery, good company, and top notch west slope cutthroat fishing. I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my Saturday.


4/7/2014 11:22:00 AM
Those are our native coastal cutthroat, not west slopes.
4/7/2014 12:02:00 PM
Hows the meat in them? Cut red and firm?

@LittleTrib I would defiantly have to disagree they aren't coastal.
4/7/2014 12:40:00 PM
Definitely not coastal. Meat is form/ peach-light pink, good table fare.
4/7/2014 12:47:00 PM
Firm* darn auto correct
4/7/2014 1:45:00 PM
Not to be a rabble rouser but they are Resident coastal cutthroat. Westslopes aren't native to western washington. Do a google image search, they have very different coloration. Sweet catch though. Cutts always tasted better than bows IMO.
4/7/2014 4:59:00 PM
It definitely was a great outing, lots of fun. As far as the Westslope vs. Coastal discussion, I haven't had enough experience catching Cutts yet to say for certain that "it was this type" or "that type" of Cutt. But from looking at pictures online, and knowing what the fish we were catching looked like, I would lean more towards Coastal. They definitely had a lot of spots throughout the entire body, whereas the Westslopes don't seem to have that.
4/7/2014 6:37:00 PM
after reviewing the pics it seems you guys might be right because of the spots. It seems I was wrong. My mistake. Great coastal cutt fishery then.
4/8/2014 4:50:00 AM
Sounds like you had a great day Jon. Cool. Thanks for the report. Were they hitting anything other than live bait? Spinners, spoons, jigs work well too usually.
4/8/2014 5:00:00 AM
I say that because it is a lot more fun when catching those small trout having the least amount of weight on your line and significantly reducing the chances of mortally wounding small fish than bait fishing. It's also generally easier to cast, work and catch fish than throwing a bobber with bait and "still fishing".
4/8/2014 8:41:00 AM
I'm so tired of listening to people lecture me about bait. I know what I'm doing. I retained every fish.I caught on bait so who cares, it's fate was death weather on lures or bait.
4/8/2014 8:50:00 AM
To further my argument this is a subalpine lake that is way over populated. Killing a few trout will be good for that lake. It doesn't see very much fishing pressure, bird predation, or other predators, no turtles there,no bass, just trout unchecked reproducing, and they need a predator, that's where me and my worms come in...
4/10/2014 11:27:00 PM
Nobody's lecturing Jon..... you're not getting it. Use dynamite next time is my message. That would have to be more fun! $%&^@#
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709