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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green Lake Report
King County, WA



51° - 55°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Hook & Bait
56° - 60°

Friend Pete called Thursday nite to tell me that trips had been planted at Green Lake, so that was our target this week. Arrived at lake at 6:00 AM (southwest shoreline near crew house), Pete already had lines in the water. I started out with nightcrawler under a float on one rig, chartreuse Power Egg (4' leader) on the other. Beautiful early morning, not a breeze, lake a flat calm and fish breaking the surface all around us. Temp at outset was a chilly 45 degrees... water temp at the shoreline (very shallow water on that shoreline) was a surprising 58 degrees. About 7:00 I had a big take-down on the float... tried to lift the slack line off the water, but unable to get a hook-set. A couple more bobbles from the float, then the wind began to pick up and I changed to PE on that rig too. About 8:00, rod tip doubled over and I was into a big fish... exciting fight, line peeling off my reel on my UL set-up, finally able to bring to the net (nice job Pete!) a beautiful 17" silver & pink triploid.
By 8:30 a brisk northwesterly wind set in for the rest of the day... 10 to 15 mph, made shoreline fishing much more challenging. Nothing more until about 10:00, when Pete's rod tip started to dance, and he reeled in another trip of 16". Finally about 12:30 I had a hard hit and brought to the net another trip of 16". These are beautifully colored, silver and pink fish and are full of fight. Not a spectacular day, but three trips between the two of us, ain't that bad! Pete left a bit before 1:00, and I followed twenty minutes later.
Saw a good number of other fishermen, some on the piers, some on the shoreline, and several in boats, but we saw no other fish caught. Looking forward to a great season this Spring and Summer, lots of lakes to hit... lots of fish to catch!!! PTL!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709