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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Badger Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


51° - 55°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Cutthroat Trout
Hook & Bait

Normally I would never post a bank fishing report on Badger Lake, but due to the lake's current sad state; I thought the forum deserved an update: ZERO BITES; ZERO FISH; ZERO FISHERMEN on the bank or in boats. Other than the beautiful weather, the only other positive was how nice the access was being maintained by WDFW for the now disuse by the general angling public. Heres to the thin hope that the two bank side Badger Lake land owners will relent and allow WDFW to rehab the lake for trout.


5/7/2014 3:53:00 PM
WDFW's "Pre-Rehabilitation Plan [for] Badger Lake" -- http://wdfw.wa.gov/licensing/sepa/2013/13055_badger_lake_plan.pdf
"Biologists make case for trout vs. bass at Badger Lake" -- http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2013/aug/04/biologists-make-case-for-trout-at-badger/
"Badger Lake trout rehab proposal isn't a slam dunk" -- http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/outdoors/2013/jul/31/badger-lake-trout-rehab-proposal-isnt-slam-dunk/ .
5/10/2014 8:17:00 AM
leave it alone bass fishing is good there and I have seen many catching trout later in the year no need to kill off the lake and start over even if you did I am sure that somehow the bass will be back in there .
5/16/2014 9:25:00 PM
I have to agree fishrich. Poisoning 'the lake does not work. Studies have shown that the fish can sense the poison in the water and move away from it and can survive. I fished Sprague the year after it was killed and caught a lot of small bass. Badger has been "rehabed" before and it didn't work then. I caught some respectable bass there last year and a coworkers wife tied into a large trout but failed to land it. I personally believe that lakes with multiple species of fish are healthier and provide more fishing opportunities for more people. It will take some time but if left alone Badger will become a great fishery for many not just a mediocre trout lake.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709