5/15/2014 7:31:00 PM
5/15/2014 9:17:00 PM
5/16/2014 7:33:00 AM
5/16/2014 11:50:00 AM
5/16/2014 3:10:00 PM
5/16/2014 4:51:00 PMTapps used to be a good Largie lake, I've caught my share of 4 and 5 pounders back in the '90s, long before the Smallies got going and before the Muskies arrived. Back during the WaLakes picnic in 2010/2011 I broke off a 5 pounder when she wrapped around a beams between the dock piling. Dez and fishingislife/Jeremy saw the fish up close also as they both were fishing from my boat. She was just out of reach when Jeremy tried to net her, then she dove down and wrapped around another lap and broke off.
Tapps has the same state wide regs for smallies as all non-special regs lakes: 10 fish and only 1 over 14". Been like that for a couple years now. Some individual lakes may be different.