6/8/2014 7:11:00 AM
6/8/2014 10:08:00 AM
6/8/2014 3:17:00 PM
6/8/2014 8:06:00 PMThe skeeters were not bad at all. There were signs in the park warning that they were spraying to control them. We actually saw the sprayer rig in action in Grand Coolie on a trip to town.
We tried a variety of cranks and a smaller size chartreuse deep diver did the best over the three days, but the little walleye were hitting anything.
The camp grounds are nice over all, but we did have a few complaints. There wasnt much shade in the area we were in - sage loop, space #30. Also, the bathrooms are a looooong walk from ANY of the camp sites and there is only one in each section. For three old fat guys that was a major issue! The camp store is also set waaaaaaaay away from anything in the park and you cant drive anywhere near it, so its another long walk. On the plus side, they made some nice burgers. Finally, you can only put your tent up in one specific spot in each site - no exceptions - because they water the grass every day. That spot is too small for a large tent. Its maybe 10x10 or so and is made up of a wood frame set into the ground - like a 2x6 on edge. That wood frame sticks up a good 2" above the surrounding ground and is filled with gravel - but not completely filled. So it left a 2" high barrier all around the square tent area. It made for difficult sleeping arrangements and a serious trip hazard in and around the tent. The launch ramp was excellent with floating docks on both sides. There are nice fish cleaning stations at the ramp and in each camping area near the bathrooms. There is also a bathroom at the launch that ISN'T a long walk to get to when you pull in at the end of the day. You can also beach your boat near where you camp in several areas. The water level was down about 2 feet which made getting into our area a bit tricky and there were already several boats in there, so we pulled the boat each night rather than have a long walk to the boat each day. Remember - three old fat guys :D