Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Free fishing weekend! I wanted to take some friends that did not have a fishing liscense for one reason or another. We headed on the Water at Long Lake at 9:30 and scooted to my Crappie spot to no avail. No bobber down not even a flinch. Tried it in sevral areas for about 2 hrs, headed to my best Perch spot.
Got two the Perch spot near the Tum Tum post office and it took a few minutes to get a Perch on a yellow jig just off the bottom in 20' to 24' of water. We continued to fisb the spot for a few hrs and picked up around 10 Perch 8" to 14". Then the bite just stopped. Headed back to the Crappie holes and I caughf one as soon as we got there and Several Smallmouth Bass. That was it!
We fished the rest of the day moving back and forth to spots I new of and even tried some spot I never have fished. Very slow for Long Lake. Must be that just post spawn period. We ended up with 21 Perch and 1 Crappie.
Was excited to get my new boat our for a full day. I just baught a 19' Starcraft Superfisherman 190. I love having a boat that gets from spot to spot in a hurry, stable and can walk around on. This winter it is going to be nice in a canvas shelter fro. the cold brisk wind. Getting to old for that &%#@.
Will be on Loon Lake tonight for the kokes!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service