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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Banks Lake Report
Grant County, WA



71° - 75°
Smallmouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
All Day
61° - 65°

The smallmouth bass fishing on Banks Lake continues to be outstanding. The smallmouth continue to located in shallow rocky flats and can be found from Steamboat Rock all the way down south to Coulee City.

Weather conditions have dictated the techniques for smallmouth fishing. When windy, my key with my clients has been to have them toss crankbaits such as a Bomber 7A and burn it quickly causing it to deflect off rocks and create reaction strikes. When we have had calm conditions, we have been getting the smallies with Carolina Rigged lizards, tube baits, as well as on the Optimum Baits Baby Line Thru Swimbait.

Guided fishing for Walleye on Banks Lake, Moses Lake, Potholes Reservoir and Rufus Woods.
Smallmouth Bass and Largemouth Bass on Banks Lake, Moses Lake, and Potholes Reservoir.Trophy class Triploid Trout on Rufus Woods.Rainbow Trout on Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake.
Coast Guard Certified.Washington State Fish and Wildlife Certified.

Big Wallys Guide Service

Official Digital Angler Sponsor


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709