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Species: Salmon
Time: Morning
Rating: 3
Views: 1619
Departed for Baker lake mid afternoon on thursday, got to the lake launched at swift creek and put the boat in the dock and headed for bed for the 4AM morning
Woke up and sped over to the nothwestish side of the lake and began trolling 4 rods each with smile blade hootchies, and 1 of each had prawn or sandshrimp.
around 7 am we got are first drive by hit the rod and jumped acouple times but came off. 15 minutes later same thing except we got a nice little hen in the boat, and that was the rest of the action.
Woke up next day and fished same place and no one was hitting any fish and mind you it was pouring rain. We moved over across the lake and found some fish on the sonar and got 2 nice fish within 20 minutes of eachother, also lost another three making it short of our limit.
left around 10am and headed back to Bothell to get out of the rain! it seems the fishin is going to be picking up!
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