The Quadfather
8/6/2014 2:14:00 PMhttp://www.quinaultindiannation.com/Fishing%20Regs/lake%20quinault%20boat%20and%20sport%20fish.pdf

8/6/2014 2:21:00 PM
Bob R
8/6/2014 3:19:00 PM
8/6/2014 5:36:00 PM
Bob R
8/6/2014 5:56:00 PM
8/6/2014 11:50:00 PM
8/6/2014 11:52:00 PM
Bob R
8/7/2014 5:25:00 AMActually Dollies and Bull trout are two different fish. Also tribal regs are what counts(as has been pointed out before on this thread) and dollies are quite prolific. And we eat the hell out of these fish.The ESA deals with bull trout, you are allowed to keep Dollies in the Skagit and I believe at Baker Lake, both of which are controlled by the state. Also I disagree with the comment that the ESA is a worhtless piece of legislaton.Bob R

Mike Carey
8/7/2014 1:10:00 PM