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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Union Lake Report
King County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Smallmouth Bass
Hook & Bait

I love fishing at the ship canal because it's so close to home, but this summer it has been really disappointing. I've caught fewer and smaller bass than in previous years. The smallmouth and rock bass I do see or catch are basically fingerling sized.

After having no luck casting a floating rapala along the rip rap for an hour, I decided to break out the light rod and worms and just do some bait fishing for the little guys. I had a lot of fun just sitting in the sun and catching little smallmouth, rock bass, pumpkin seed and perch using small grub-sized pieces of earthworm on a small hook.

Then something big hit my line. It was peeling off drag repeatedly, but I worked it in closer and found that it was a good-sized smallmouth. This was quite a surprise, and now I had a problem, because I was fishing with 4 lb. mono along the retaining wall and had not brought a net. I realized the only way to land it was to climb down onto the rocks. I jettisoned my phone, keys, wallet, shoes and socks and climbed down onto the slimy water covered rip rap. I managed to get my thumb in it's mouth, and climbed back up in a pretty undignified manner. Had attracted the attention of a few people walking on the trail as well as a group of kayakers, which was fun. Took a few pictures, then released it. I did not bring a scale (because I've caught nothing even remotely scale worthy at the canal this year) so I am totally guessing, but maybe in the 2-3 pound range? Once the excitement wore off, I realized I'd scraped up a knee and elbow climbing down the wall, but it was totally worth it.


8/18/2014 3:50:00 PM
What we have to do to enjoy our chosen sport. Congrats. I'll go along with 2 1/2 to 3 pounds.
8/18/2014 5:43:00 PM
Nice haul
8/19/2014 8:03:00 AM
Nice job, Gort and a sweet smallie! I've been down there almost daily and you are right about the disappointing return in bass this year as opposed to the last few. I have seen a ton of guys down there keeping everything they catch from small to large, which is rather annoying and seems to have killed the bite. I did meet a warden down there a few weeks ago(first time I've been asked for my license down there) which was a welcome sight. He heard the same as I had been witnessing, as well as salmon fishers through there, which is also illegal, and we talked for awhile about regs. He gave me his card and said give him a call if I see any rule breakers. Kinda feel like the little side kick now. Anyway, good luck out there.
8/19/2014 9:20:00 PM
What us men do,....quite entertaining, nice report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709