9/16/2014 12:59:00 PMI'm discovered that a bottom bouncer with at least an 18" vertical rod is far more effective than the shorter "store bought" versions. The longer version gets the harness about 12" higher off the bottom. I've also wrapped pipe cleaners around the 2oz weights and soak it with crawfish scent. The combination seems to be a winner even when they have lock jaw. The longer bouncers can be constructed of thicker coat hangers with the weights attached to the hanger wire by clamping (with a large lead split shot) the wire portion of a store bought bouncer weight directly to the coat hanger wire. Works great. Maybe not pretty, but damn it really works.

9/16/2014 1:24:00 PMThank you for the pointer on the bottom bouncer. I really like the pipe cleaner thought. I will have to adopt that some time.
Good luck my friend, post on how the eye-massacre goes. God Bless,

9/16/2014 4:21:00 PM
9/16/2014 4:33:00 PM