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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Panther Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



26° - 30°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Went out with a buddy today,arrived around 3,clear skies,sunny,and 39 degrees out.we started from the boat launch and headed left along the shore. We were using 5inch watermelon colored Gary Yakamoto worms(Texas rigged).we were casting towards the shore and very slowly retrieving,had a few bites at first(probly smaller bass or perch),and not much luck,it was starting to get dark and cold(28 degrees) rings in our poles had ice on them,and water drops froze on our boat,IT WAS COLD,But we had to get something!!,haha,so eventually by the logs to the left of the launch we started getting real bass bites but only ended getting one in the boat,it was about 16 inches and I'd say 1 1/2 pounds,fish was really healthy,clean and made a great dinner! The reason I rated it a two was because we really had to look for the fish and have ALOT of patience in the cold weather,but fishing is fishing and I'm slightly greatly addicted to it,so overall it was ok,atleast I didn't leave home empty handed,please let me know if there are better techniques to catch bass in the cold weather,thanks!


11/16/2014 6:32:00 AM
If that fish was indeed 16 inches you need to read the Regulations because largemouth between 12-17" are Illegal to retain. Always helps to read the rule book before heading out on the water.
11/16/2014 9:13:00 AM
Definitely bigger than 12" and for sure not 17". I ALWAYS have a rules pamphlet on the boat, in the house, and at work so I can research that stuff any time I want to, or need to.
11/16/2014 9:19:00 AM
Freshwater general rules Page 17: "No min. size. Only LARGEMOUTH BASS less than 12" may be retained, except 1 over 17" may be
retained. "

Slow clap...
11/16/2014 9:43:00 AM
Ooo,sorry guys I honestly didn't know,like I said I just started end of this year.i can assure you this won't happen again,I didn't measure the fish,just thought limit was 5.ill make sure to do things right,last thing I want is to screw up the fishing environment or get a ticket,thanks for letting me know,really appreciate it!
11/16/2014 9:50:00 AM
We all make mistakes, and most of us learn from our mistakes and the info others give to us. I remember one day so many years ago, I went fishing, came home and checked the regs, and that river closed the day before. Ya, I lucked out, and ever since I check the rules before I go to a new place. And no I didn't catch any fish that day, was fishing for trout.
11/16/2014 10:03:00 AM
Sorry for sounding like a jerk, thanks for the clarification AlexanderS. Good luck please read the regulations next time :)
11/16/2014 10:09:00 AM
Don't worry about it,if rather have someone tell me how it is then to be all nice about it.I myself don't like when people bend/break the rules because it just screws it up for the rest of us,I usually fly fish on the sammamish river and it's selective gear only no bait,and I see a lot of people trying to use bait or barbed hooks to catch the beautiful cutthroats out there and I get upset about it becuase those fish die really easily when not released properly,so once again I GREATLY appreciate you guys telling me:)
bob johansen
11/17/2014 9:03:00 AM
Most serious Largemouth Bass anglers release all their fish. Eat perch - they are better eating and are plentiful.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709