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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Tye Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA




Fished lake tye today for some trout, we caught some here and there, and my brother hooked into a sucker fish on a kastmaster lure, which is weird to catch a sucker fish in a lake.

I am curious, has anyone else caught any fish out of lakes that aren't suppose to be found in lakes ?

Tight lines


4/16/2015 7:10:00 AM
Good morning Leo
I think that's a carp? I have seen uncharted fish come out of lakes because people put stuff in there they shouldn't have, for example I seen a koi fish that was half white and half black in deer lake just 2 days ago, I asked around and was told that it is a common problem around Washington. have a great day and tight lines to all.
4/16/2015 8:45:00 AM
That's defenetly a carp I watch a guy catch them at blackmans lake all the time crazy never heard or seen one caught out of tye but they are showing up in our lakes and I think they are a dangerous fish to other fish don't release them if u catch another we can't have them eating all our fish but nice
4/16/2015 9:27:00 AM
I have caught suckers in lakes before. If it is a carp, I don't think it is, it would probably be a grass carp, and they are protected by the state, so if you kill it, you could get into a lot of trouble
4/16/2015 9:42:00 AM
Come on guys, just use your computer to id a fish. The poster is correct- the fish is a common sucker. Fish lake near Leavenworth is loaded with huge ones. I can't fathom why someone would bother to transport a Sucker and dump it in Tye. Wierd...
4/16/2015 9:52:00 AM
looks like the common "large scale suckerfish" here is the lakes that wdfw knows they are: http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/washington/Species/1113/
4/16/2015 12:06:00 PM
This fish is 100% a sucker fish that you catch in rivers like Wallace river etc, it's very easy to tell the difference between carp and sucker fish 1 way is the mouth, carp has straight mouth like trout, perch etc. Sucker fish mouth is more twords the bottom like (which you can't tell in this picture, but I have other pics,) I can most likely explain how that suckerfish got onto lake tye, (also last year I heared a guy caught a 8lb sucker out of lake tye before). So lake tye has a creek on the northwest side of the lake ,which connects to Snohomish river, the passage to the lake from creek is closed, at the mouth of the lake and it's regulated, so every year the passage openes to raise the levels of the lake, Just few days ago the water levels went up 2 feet than it was, (and no it's not because of the rain). So my theory is when the passage was open that sucker fish cam thru the creek onto the lake. I won't be surprised if there would be 1 or 2 dolly warden or some other game fish in there. (I'm sure if the passage would be open long enough during salmon season, than we would see some pinks in there also ) (state doesn't stock cutthroat trout on Lake tye, but I have caught plenty of them there, so they come in from that creek .
bluegrouse bill
4/16/2015 2:35:00 PM
I was at Silver lake in spokane county a couple years back when WDFG was shocking the lake & they got a 12 lb Walleye, & a 8 lb Brown trout. Also I heard of a Sturgeon coming out if Clear lake in the mid 80's. So yeah a lot of fish get dumped by idiotic bucket biologists. I see koi in all the lakes in Spokane & Stevens counties. But fish also make their way in from creeks & Rivers too. A buddy of mine caught a Mackinaw in the Pend Oreille river which had to have come down from the lake. Not to mention the Pike coming from Flathead all the way to the Pend Oreille river.
4/16/2015 3:21:00 PM
Yeah that's crazy
4/16/2015 6:25:00 PM
i think that's a carp
4/16/2015 9:34:00 PM
Hello Folks...
The fish is a sucker. Suckers and other fish with similar eggs (yellow perch, bluegill, etc.) sometimes make their way into nearby freshwater lakes. Give a freshly dug backyard pond 10-15 years with no human interference, and then study the fauna. These tiny eggs, when fertilized, are sticky. The good people of the Pacific Northwest might consider herring eggs and their relationship with kelp for the sake of comparison. If the conditions are right and the transportation route is short enough, animal fur, bird feet, boat trailers, canoe paddles, etc. can act as vectors for viable eggs or the materials to which they cling. It's cool stuff.
It's a fun conversation. Thanks.
4/16/2015 10:38:00 PM
It's a sucker fish 100%,carp will not attack lures such as kast masters.that being said,Ive caught a lot of these out of the sammamish slough on kastmasters,dick nites etc. Btw nice catch,bet you thought it was a nice trout:)?
4/16/2015 10:41:00 PM
Yeah my brother thought it was a nice large trout, the way it was pulling
4/16/2015 11:06:00 PM
Maybe it's a Carp?
bluegrouse bill
4/17/2015 1:58:00 PM
That looks like a large scale sucker to me. But carp do hit lures. Ive caught obe on a swimbait on long lake. Also I was just on norisada lures.com & the owner just posted a picture if a huge Carp (probably 40 lbs) he caught on one of his blade baits. Usually they only take corn or bread balls but sometimes they attack whatever's in their way
4/17/2015 11:00:00 PM
That's cool a carp on a lure, I have seen carp get caught on a worm.
4/17/2015 11:03:00 PM
My brother just caught a catfish on a lure, that's another day of a weird catch on a lure, maybe he should buy a lottery ticket, I just posted a report with a pic
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709