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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Corral Lake Report
Grant County, WA



66° - 70°
Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring
51° - 55°

Got over to the Potholes state park on Thursday April 16th. Woke up and went down to Corral lake in the Seep Lakes habitat area. Started trolling first thing 1 hr went by not even a bite and we used everything including the kitchen sink! Switched to bait fishing no bites on PowerBait or salmon eggs. Finally 1 fish on a Worm on the bottom. Nothing else after that. Nice day nice lake but NO FISH even the fish finder wasn't picking up anything. Its like I caught the only trout in the lake!


4/20/2015 9:53:00 PM
Well, I don't feel alone now. We got down there Sat. night and tried for a bit. Same story sans fish so you did better than we did. Better luck next time.
4/21/2015 9:08:00 PM
Ya we fished Lower Goose and same thing nothing at all. Fish marked at 75 ft but windy and untouchable. Maybe better luck on Warden during opening weekend. I'm very displeased with the Seep Lakes Habitat areas. It seems like most fish are missing..... More than half of the lakes are Year Round and others are opening in last weekend in April. These lakes were awesome for that early opener on March 1st but since the change its gone down hill fast!!!
4/23/2015 10:06:00 PM
Wow. Lower Goose is my go to lake later in the year for Smallies and Perch when the wind on the big lake makes it look like a washing machine. I hadn't fished Corral in a long time but I had heard it got re-habed a couple of years ago so I thought I would give it a try. It honestly looked like it had just turned over. Nasty algae everywhere and a big hatch was going on w/ zero wind. The early opener lakes fish out fairly quick I believe because they are managed as put-n-take and have little carry over. There are several seep lakes closed this year such as the Hamptons for re-hab so it does seem like there is less water to fish. Oddly enough, I don't hear about any big trout coming out of the big lake anymore. 4 years ago they were all the size of footballs (or so reports say).

Warden is one of my favorites so have fun and good luck but leave me a couple..
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709