5/15/2015 1:29:00 PMAnd just think, if 1 person kept one 17" plus Bass every day all summer long, just how bad that would decimate the population. Then think of everyone keeping a 17" plus fish every day all summer long. That's thousands of kept fish, and all those with the best genes. The Bass would be decimated in one or two years.

The Quadfather
5/15/2015 7:06:00 PMPlease don't take the replies as busting your chops.. but AMX says it very well..
Regulations are just words on paper... there is nobody within the WDFW who is preserving bass in WA. state lakes.. So people who really love fishing these fish, are the only ones who can preserve the fishery, by protecting the fish. (notice I didn't say releasing, lol.) you know what I mean, though..
These fish are targeted HARD by a lot of people, and most of those who target them, aren't even reporting on them, to keep it quiet, etc.
Anyhoo.. I hope you get to keep catching nice fish like that. Thanks for sharing.

5/15/2015 10:55:00 PM
5/16/2015 8:34:00 AM