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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Cutthroat Trout
66° - 70°

Well this excursion almost didn’t happen. I was taking a hard look at running down to Beacon Rock as it was just opened upstream to the dam to boat fishing. Had Sockeye been opened at the same time, I’d have headed down south to try my luck. As it turned out, today ended up being an epic day, numbers wise, out on the Lake. Late Friday afternoon, I made the decision to enter the derby and signed up online, with the intent of donating any winnings to CCA. Derby hours were from 5:00am to 2:00pm, so my plan was to get out early and run north and avoid as many other derby entrants as possible.
The morning started off slow, as is typically the case and I caught and release several perch before finally hooking into my first cutthroat of the day. Though it produced my initial fish, I switched out the small Abe and Al flasher with a green shrimp fly as it wasn’t producing the number of strikes expected for the fish I was marking on the sonar. Taking its place was a purple haze mini hoochie behind a larger, custom metal flasher. This brought 2 more fish to the boat, including the derby winner, which decided to do a little tail walking before being netted. Of note, the early morning fish were all caught in the upper half of the water column, the fish I was marking on or near the bottom weren’t interested in anything put in front of their faces.
With 3 fish in the boat, including one I was sure would place, I fished the rest of the day sans bait and scent, looking to high grade any other fish I caught. With a lull in the action, I went through a few more setups before connecting with an old favorite, the Brad’s Mini Cutplug in the double take pattern. As the sun was out in full force, I ran my gear back down to the bottom and chaos ensued. I caught 8 more fish, releasing all but two, which looked close to the same size as my big fish. I missed several more fish before changing out my old Gamakatsu hook, which had been sharpened so many times there was not much of a point before the barb.
With my 5th fish in the boat around 12:30, I headed to Coulon to weigh in my fish. Northwest Fishing Reports was well represented, it was great meeting fellow members. My large fish weighed in at 3lbs 11oz and managed to hold out for top prize. Hats off to the Lake Washington chapter of Puget Sound Anglers for hosting the derby which gave away prizes to all participants and served up hot dogs and sodas for lunch.
As for the video I captured, the camera did not roll over to the second memory card, and all I caught were my first 4 fish, bummer. However, looking through the video, it is easy to see what really triggers strikes while trolling. If you are not turning, changing speeds or moving your gear up and down in the water column, you’re missing out on a lot of action.




The Quadfather
6/14/2015 10:25:00 PM
Really enjoyed the video. I can't say how much that drove it home to me, about making change ups, (turns, speed, etc.)
I am SO guilty of staying on a stead fast course straight ahead.
Hope you post up more video in the future. Maybe you can get it all dialed in like Mike, with the underwater GoPro watching the hypnotized cutts looking at your offerings.
6/14/2015 10:35:00 PM
Congrats on winning the derby, G-Man! Mucho Kudos, also to you for your intent to donate your prize money to CCA ! It is definitly one of the best organizations representing sports fisher people this state has. They do a great service for us & the resource we love to partake in. Any body reading this , who has not joined Coastal Conservation Association. Please do at JoinCCA.org. Just my 2 cents! Good fishin & stay safe.
6/15/2015 7:36:00 AM
Hey G-man, I just finished reading Salmonbarrys post. You did a great job setting him up. It goes to show," No good deed goes unpunished". Thanks for your generosity toward others! Andy
6/15/2015 7:58:00 AM
Nice job and great video. What is the mount holding your net keeps it out of the way and nice set up. Congrats on the derby.
6/15/2015 9:02:00 AM
Hunter757 - I believe it is a Down-East rod holder, it's almost as old as I am. They make a number of different styles for clamping onto your boat, canoe, or whatever you may be fishing from.

Quad - you'd be surprised how effective wave action is at triggering strikes. As much as I dislike them buzzing the boat while I'm fishing, the wakes from pleasure boaters can be a good thing.
6/15/2015 1:54:00 PM
Congratulations Gerhart... Nicely done!

Fish Dawg
6/15/2015 11:05:00 PM
You put on a clinic again, G-Man! Thanks for the donor fish to replace mine that walked off. My in laws appreciated having a fish to take home on Sunday morning. Totally agree that changing things up triggers strikes.

Tight lines!

Fish Dawg
6/16/2015 12:19:00 AM
I would love to learn more from you!! Are you willing to take me out one of these days??
6/16/2015 10:12:00 AM
you keep work'n at it ... you'll get it figured out someday !!! :-o
6/16/2015 5:05:00 PM
DJ - I'll send you a PM if I plan any catch and keep excursions. Right now and on through late fall, the surface temps are too warm to release fish and expect them to survive the ordeal.
6/16/2015 10:22:00 PM
You are THE man G-man!! Great job and always appreciate your willingness to help others learn how to fish that big ole body of water right in the middle of the city!! Hope to run into you again out there or somewhere chasing some swimming species!
Broken Rod
6/17/2015 9:41:00 AM
Hey G-man, over the last couple years I've enjoyed your posts and learned a couple things at the same time! Hope to one day see you out on the water... I'm the old guy in the 70's orange Bayliner... the "Adorah Jane"! Good fishing!
6/18/2015 11:04:00 AM

I'm Curious about your flasher selection in conditions. I've had mix success with different flasher colors and shapes on LKWA - Im wondering if you have a style or preference color?


_ AJ
6/18/2015 2:59:00 PM
I keep it pretty basic. Light/bright in sunny conditions and darker/colored in cloudy or low light conditions. The closer I get to summer, the larger the flasher/dodger I use. In the winter I typically skip using a flasher unless I am fishing a hoochie that needs the action. I like the 3/0 dodger size and the 8" Abe and Al flashers. The 50/50 chrome and brass are great for the low light conditions and the straight chrome with some kind of UV reflective tape are what I use for sunny days.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709