6/22/2015 8:48:00 AM
6/22/2015 4:02:00 PM
7/22/2015 9:40:00 AM
7/22/2015 10:54:00 AM
7/23/2015 3:56:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
This report consolidates more than one day of fishing . Went on the lake around 930 am So we could get Kokanee and have two for lunch. The one from the night before I had put on ice to keep it fresh. I used the same set up as the night before. 50/50 dodger and pink wedding ring. This time I did add a little bait. two red salmon eggs. We rowed once again towards the cliffs but wind was something awful. Little one fell asleep again. Was to one side of the cliffs near the white buoy. when I noticed my little poll was missing the handle for reeling it in. I looked in vain for it and we kind of stopped moving.. although the wind was still a blowing. I took it out and wondered how I was going to get it in when bam. the pull tip wiggled and I saw a beautiful silver fish jump. So I did what anyone would do when missing a handle for reeling in a poll. I slowly and painfully moved the reel by hand. It worked but for a long time I was not even sure the fish was still on. It gave it plenty of time for it to tire out. It still have some fight left when I brought it up and turned out to be a beautiful 14 inch Kokanee. We got the fish in and I set up my other poll but the wind was so bad by then that it became our main goal just to make it back to shore. we ended up coming in to one side of the fishing dock. It was way to windy to make it to the other side. I went and got the car while the hubby stayed in the boat with the sleeping little one. Passing the dock I watched a cutthroat of at least 17 to 20 inches pulled in. They had bid polls though so could cast way far. We cooked up both Kokanee .. the one from the night before and the fresh one for lunch. Amazing tasting fish! It made me hungry for more. In the afternoon we went up to Mountain lake. I was hoping for some big fish a local told us are in there. we found the whole but only a few bites and one small cutthroat who threw the hook right away. he swam off happy to live for another say and grow big. That evening I really wanted to try again so I could limit on Kokanee. I had no luck. It started pouring rain and I barely made it back to the shore due to wind. I am so really for an electric motor. To get some frustration out and feel better about life I went to the fishing dock in the pouring rain and caught 3 rainbows while getting soaked. I talked to a nice fellow fishing who was new to the area and explained some of the rules.
So next morning and day we had to leave. I got out on the water about 730 am. I got to the cliffs but had no luck. I am thinking the fish were deeper. watched a father and son fish and bring some in from a lower part of the cliffs. using some kind of spoon. I decided to head back. I put a small fake worm(that some nice fishermen had given me the night before) on the pink wedding ring with dodger setup. The wind picked up and I started fighting it. right past the boat rental place. I took a break to bring in my drifting.. sinking line. I was surprised to find a fish on. A Kokanee of about 12 inches. I finally made it back to the launch area and we got ready to pack we quickly cooked up the fish and ate a hurried lunch. Over all I love this lake though and the fish taste great. I cannot wait to come back when I have a small electric motor.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service