bob johansen
6/26/2015 9:05:00 AM
6/27/2015 9:09:00 AM
6/27/2015 9:57:00 AMwhat I PMed to Mike;
then he should have had his wife explain all that IN HIS COMMENTS SECTION OF BOTH OF HIS REPORTS!!! after I raised the question and posted the rules VERY simple for her to do that.
We are NOT mind readers. Illness or not, when a question is raised, then an explination is MANDITORY so we ALL know.
Do you really think the WDFW will GUESS that he is ill? NO they WON'T! THEY will have to arrest him/take him into custody and then have his lawyer produce all that paperwork that says he is ill. Just how do WE do that on this web site, the internet, or thru our own lawyers? NOT possible.
So, beings you locked that report/comments do you want to post this there? Thanks.

6/27/2015 10:02:00 AMhe WASN'T being harassed, somebody is going to have to read the dictionary to get the definition of 'harassed'.
yes this shiit is pissing me off. yes there are people who need their hands held, but I won't do that!
if they are wrong, then they are wrong.
if they can't read, except, discuss the regs, and just want to claim 'harassment' then I have no use for them, ill or not!
Now, if they want to DISCUSS it, then fine, otherwise too bad!
AND does he have a 'designated harvester card' because of his ilness? if not, then he is still fishing illegaly.
And even if he does have that card, he kept Large Mouth Bass within the slot, therefor he is STILL ILLEGALY retaining fish. Talk to the WDFW about THAT!