7/15/2015 5:36:00 PM
7/16/2015 11:41:00 AM"We realized these fish presented a unique opportunity for Washington's anglers," said Donley. The department held the steelhead over the summer and reared them to "catchable trout size" to be released into lakes in the Puget Sound area for harvest this fall.
Donley said he expects angling to be great throughout the fall and winter months at all of these lakes. "Most of the trout are 11 to 13 inches long, with a few larger ones in the mix," he said."(from WFDW) .
I have also caught these same.. very trout like but lacking much rainbow coloring at lake Tye, Green lake and seen them present at Rattlesnake lake. All tend to have spots mostly on upper half of the body tail and fins. Their sides taking on a silver look and they bottom fins being light in color almost white.

7/22/2015 11:43:00 PM
7/22/2015 11:59:00 PM