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Chopaka Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA



Left Redmond at o'dark thirty on Sat. morning. On the water at Chopaka at 1015. Two of us fishing. I didn't get my first fish until mid afternoon on an olive WB with black maribou tail. Hit a few more on the same. Went back out about 2100 for the night bite. Used the biggest, baddest, black leech I had in the box - size 6. Hit fish right away. Bite cooled off about 2145. Morning of 7/22. Hit the deep part of the lake, north end. Only one cut of about 14". Moved back down lake after a light breeze cam up and moved the damsels off the reeds. The fish were stacked up against the reeds at the SW end. Fished damels and caught many fish - up to 20". The weeds are tough to work around and I lost two after they tangled in the weeds. At night, marked many fish deep 25 - 30'. Fished these with full sink and large leech. Had to move to keep moving to mark fish and keep top of them. Also picked up a couple of small white(?) bass and small mouths.
Great three days. Kind of surprised (pleasantly) that we were able to use the dry damsels.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709