10/27/2015 11:32:00 AM
10/29/2015 10:20:00 AMOr, open any of your latest fishing reports.
Left click your site name 8theB8.
Select the tab 'contact", by default the tab "private message" will be selected.
Next select the tab "Board preferences".
Under edit global settings, the first line will read "Users can contact me by email". The "yes" box would need to be selected to receive email.
Third line down will read "Allow users to send you private messages". The "yes" box would need to be selected to receive PM messaged.
Finally, the 5th line down selects whether you would like to receive or not receive a email notice of a "PM" message in your inbox.
At the bottom of the page is "submit". That must be selected to save the changes on that page.

11/2/2015 8:24:00 AM
11/2/2015 5:28:00 PMWhat is the best method to punch through the pads, fishing with a worm, creature bait, or something similar? Lot's of weight, heavy line?
Yup, to all of the above as well as a heavy big jig. Use a 1 to 2 oz barrel or bullet weight, and toss it high so it punches thru. Or you can flip, it into the holes in the pad cover.