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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



31° - 35°
Rainbow Trout

Thanks to all the friendly fisherman on the lake who share information about depth and lures types. Been fishing south end of lakes and have caught fish at mouth of Cedar, south end of Mercer Island and in the east Channel. Haven't run up to the bridges but I've seen lot of boats coming back from what I think is the Bridges. I caught rainbows from 20 -30 ft in the afternoon. Last year caught lots of cutthroughts at 55 feet. Nothing this year. But heard from perch fisherman they have been catching a few while fishing for perch. Since most are fishing at 70 feet there must be some down there. Just cold, but beautiful sunny days and flat water makes it all worth while. Have to put in the time though. Nothing like the thrill of a jumping rainblow!! Here is one of the fish I caught that was
19 1/2 just below the limit size. Brandon told me he caught a 23 /1/2 inch cutthroat that he put back. Man what a fish. I''ve averaged 3 a day but only 3 big enough to keep let some small ones go. Anyway a great way to spend the days of vacation. Lots of pressure lately so fishing is getting tough. Oh I was using a wiggle hotchie and red flasher. I'd like to here what others are using if you care to share. I've been reluctant to switdh, but I kow others are doing much better than me. Happy New Year


The Quadfather
1/2/2016 7:27:00 PM
I was out there this afternoon as well. Saw two other boats trolling SW side of island, and S. tip. We had a short time on the water. 2 hours.
No hits, no fish. Mostly South island amd the Cedar mouth. Fished mini hootchies/flasher, and some nicely made large trolling flies behind a wiggle disc.
1/2/2016 11:18:00 PM
Nice Cutthroat ...... I know its been a little slow due to bad weather. My favorite time to fish is the foggy days.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709