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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



51° - 55°
Top Fishing From Boat
Cutthroat Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

I am fishing from a kayak, kokanee rod with a penn 109 reel, then I have a 50ft of 12lb mono followed by 8 colors of lead followed by 20ft of 20lb mono. I am used a wedding ring or needle fish (clown color or rainbow / tiger pattern) tipped with a bit of worm. I let out the 50ft and then 3 colors (15ft deep) and troll at 1.5mph from the boat launch to the weather station, around the weather station and back. I usually pick up 1-3 trout between 12-3. I usually pick up the most trout when i zig zack in and out of the shore line, like a little fish swimming into deeper waters where he is not supposed to be.


2/10/2016 5:43:00 PM
Nice Cutts!! I fished Beaver Lake that same day and didn't even get a bite! I should have gone to Sammamish. Good work!
2/10/2016 6:41:00 PM
Sammamish is a great place to fish. Some really nice cutts out there. I use pretty much the same thing. Works every time. Green hoochie with worm chunk about 12 inches behind a sling blade flasher works good too. Sometimes the Kokanees can be a pain but its still fun to C& R.
2/10/2016 10:26:00 PM
Hey fantastic post! I was out the same day in my boat. Day went about the same. I am lucky enough to live close to the lake,so i fish t quite a bit. Usually, a small doing blade or dick nite dodger with a wedding ring and worm is what I use. During the fall/ start of winter, I have the best luck with a real short leader. Maybe 6-8 inches. Now, I am using more along the 16" length. Picked up one on a ford fender with a 48" leader.

Love to see people fishing out there. So much opportunity for great fish!

Thanks again for the post and hopefully see you out there sometime.
Tight lines!
2/11/2016 2:54:00 PM
Motley, Beaver lake is tough, especially if its been a while since the last plant, lots of folks do the power bate there, I have never been able to get them to hit on that stuff. I have only fished it maybe 4 times, but a guy told me they prefer lures to power bate, and I switched to a small gold and silver dick nite, with a 10/14 inch mono lead, then a gold and silver dodger, then 6ft of mono to a swivel and a 1/2 oz weight. Its a smaller lake, so I could only let it out maybe 50ft behind the kayak. Trolled at 1.5mph. I was picking them up, maybe 10-15ft from the shore about 30ft left of the park, there is a slow shallow to deep drop there and I think they like it there. I had nothing on the dick nite, only sent on the dodger, dick nite trout earth worm sent. Try Brown Lake, they stocked it last weekend with some jumbo Rainbows, could be nice!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709