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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Angle Lake Report
King County, WA




Hi everyone. So this morning (4am) I woke up pretty sick ( so I thought) coughing and throwing up so called in to not go work. My gf had to go in work at 8 am so I told her I'd take her. I went out to let my chickens out and I kid you not, I saw the sun out a bit and I instantly felt better lol. I said I'm going fishing. Got my gear ready and took my gf to work then headed over to angle lake.

Okay so I get to the lake around 8 30am. There was one older guy on the pier already. Went down and got ready. I was fishing up on the surface on one pole and at the bottom on my second. First pole I had a bobber and a hook with a piece of worm. Second I tried just a weight and a hook with worm and piece of marshmallow to float of the bottom about 2ft. No takers on that one.

First hour I had no bites and was getting a bit frustrated. Then I remembered a report someone using a piece of shrimp. I put shrimp scent on it. Mikes gel or something like that. 10 min go by and finally bobber goes down. First trout maybe 10.5 in. Set new worm put some shrimp scent again and 10 min later again I got my second. Almost same size as first. Stayed another 20 min and left. I left around 10 30. Only there for 2 hrs. There was 2 boats out there hope they did good. Thanks for reading. Tight lines.!!

Ps. Sorry for making it so long. Was very excited to catch my first fish of the year specially after nothing the last to trips I took to meridian.


2/26/2016 5:29:00 PM
Glad the shrimp (scent) worked for you as it did for me!
2/26/2016 6:29:00 PM
Hey tron. Yes it totally worked for me! Thanks for adding that on your report.
2/26/2016 6:31:00 PM
And I meant to put trout not steelhead.
Bay wolf
2/27/2016 9:46:00 AM
Both are clipped it looks like, so they probably are steelhead that didn't get planted in a river due to the WFC lawsuit.
2/28/2016 9:22:00 AM
Glad you had some luck out there!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709