3/20/2016 10:10:00 PM"Shame shame everybody knows your name."
-Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane

3/21/2016 10:51:00 AMmedical lake is a lake with no motors. that means lots of float tubes and boats of varying degrees of manueverabilty. while its not a law, if a guy is drifiting with the wind in a float tube, and u paddle ur kayak to a spot 30 feet downwind of him and basically cut off his fishing drift, ur an asshole.
the next time i encounter this behavior i will simply start backcasting at ur head (this is not directed to the initial poster just in gerneral). MOVE IN UPWIND OF PEOPLE WIND DRIFITNG.
to the kid in the kayak with no PFD who did this to me, you know who you are. jackass. i ended up leaving the lake and moving to a new spot because this kayaker was cockblocked me for about 20 min straight.

3/21/2016 9:39:00 PMAs a new kayak fisherman I'll definitely remember not to be an idiot and pull that move. 30ft seems super close under any circumstance, but have to factor in the wind and drifting for sure.