Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Tuesday was a bad day to be a crappie on Long Lake. I took my buddy Glenn out and we, mostly him because I had to control the boat in some pretty strong wind, caught the snot out of em. We easily caught 150 and kept 96 to eat, most were caught under docks that usually produce for us this time of year. A small grub on a drop shot or on a slip bobber set-up with 1/32 oz. jigs worked best. The crappies are nearly done spawning as the water temp has risen 8 degrees in about a week and a half. Most fish were in the 9-11 range but we did catch 3 of the Long Lake brutes that were 14 inches. 4-8 FOW water is the prime depth right now.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service