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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Summit Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



76° - 80°
66° - 70°

Arrived at the lake about 9 am. Trolled till 1pm. Got three only. Lost the same number. Fish were not biting well. Saw plenty on the scope. some at 30, 40,50.60' depths. Got mine at 50. Lost of trout flying out of the water, like their tails were on fire. The barometric pressure, was on a slight downhill pattern.
The two were 13" each. The dink, was only 10", but, had small eggs in her. Oh well, the day was beautifull, and, i never killed a kokanee, that diden't have it commin'. tight lines!


6/7/2016 5:16:00 PM
Great looking fish! Thanks for the report.
6/7/2016 5:18:00 PM
thanks for the report. Did they all have adipose fins?
the doc'
6/8/2016 6:57:00 AM
i have not seen one without an adipose. and, not sure if summit gets clipped ones. i heard they are clipping roosevelts. and, the clipped ones, were indeed, "triploids". would like to see more trips, in our local lakes. get some size to em'!
Bob R
6/8/2016 8:23:00 AM
What makes you think those trout are "triploids"? Bob R
the doc'
6/9/2016 8:15:00 AM
what trout? i just said, i have "read" that they plant roosevelt, with both triploid rainbows, and clipped kokes there, are triploided as well. the kokes i got, at summit, are not clipped. i have not seen a clipped one, myself, anywhere. have never been to roosevelt. so, im confused by your statement. what trout? i have not posted any.
Bob R
6/9/2016 11:52:00 AM
Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you meant trout in Summit Lake, I think the way to improve size on the kokes is to raise them to fingerlings rather then fry. Still limited by food, though. I've really never seen the blobs of plankton on my sonar thick in Summit the way I have in other koke producing lakes that have more fish that are larger as well. Bob R
6/9/2016 12:02:00 PM
It depends on the lake. Clipped in our area means they hold the kokanee for a bit longer and release in the fall. Unclipped for Summit means that they released them in the spring.
Whereas, American is just the opposite and most caught are clipped (released in fall)
6/10/2016 7:26:00 AM
Yes. Ad clipping fall plant koks is for size-at-release evaluation. And yes, Roosevelt gets triploid koks.
the doc'
6/10/2016 8:28:00 AM
i used to have a humming bird finder. back then, or was it just the lake then, you would see kokes inside a cloud of plankton. wondered if it was the unit, or the conditions? i have a garmin 500c now. its ok. but, i miss the hummer, as it showed the thermocline well. the garmin?-not at all. grrrrr.
Bob R
6/10/2016 10:32:00 AM
I was wrong, Doc, after reading the triploid info on roosevelt I now know that they are indeed raising triploid kokes for Roosevelt. I still think that lack of strong blooms of plankton in Summit Lake will limit size. Bob R
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709