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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA




Great day on Sammamish. Buddy asked to go fishing with me, so I said we are getting up early and getting out there.
Started the day trolling. Lines in at 5:30 or so. First fish in the boat at 5:32. It was fast!! Went 4/7 on the trout in the Morning. Went in to switch gear and grab spinning rods to catch some panfish.

Hit he panfish right away middle of the lake on the west shore. Killed them. My friend also got a real nice smallie. We got a crazy amount of crappie. as you can tell from my other posts, I fish Sammamish all the time and I hardly ever catch crappie. Got 6 keepers and threw a few back. Delicious. We hopped spot to spot for a while, enjoying the scenery.

I had a spot in mind for panfish, mouth of a creek on the east shoreline. Just smashed them. Ended the day trolling for 20 mins and picked up one more trout. Great day!!!

Trout were 30 feet on the wire in the morning. 40 for the last one.

Used wedding rings for all species. Cast and retrieve with them is great for panfish. I have also been getting Pikeminnow, peamouth chub, and perch while trout fishing. Gotta check those lines!

Off the water at 12. Fantastic fantastic day.

Tight lines!


6/30/2016 7:19:00 AM
Look at that red color! Nice!!!
6/30/2016 8:32:00 AM
I pulled a trout out on Tuesday and it had a great color like that, amazing fishery!
6/30/2016 9:23:00 AM
Wow I lived on Samammish for 24 years never seen Crappie on the lake. I've caught Trout, Kokanee, Cuts, Sockeye, Chinook, Coho, Bass small & Large, Catfish, Crayfish, Perch and had seen a few sunfish but never caught or seen and Crappie. Heck my dad and I caught a small 36" sturgeon. I grew up on East Lake Samammish Parkway near the 7/11. Great report wafisherman20.
6/30/2016 11:29:00 AM
Are those (4) Kokanee next to the trout... Awefully red meet for trout?
6/30/2016 5:52:00 PM
That my friend is a great day of fishing
6/30/2016 6:16:00 PM
Had no idea there were crappie in Sammamish!! Great little fish on a micro rod. Chasing cutties in the morning. Maybe will give the crappies a try. Sammamish is a great lake. Always good luck out there. (Prob get skunked tomorrow for saying that lol)
Mike Carey
6/30/2016 8:21:00 PM
ID'd as cutthroat by the poster, to my eyes the picture isn't clear enough to positively ID one way or the other, but I'd lean toward cutthroat.
7/1/2016 12:57:00 AM
Impressive array of fish for a morning on Sammamish. Like tyee4me, I grew up on Sammamish (Twin Cedar's lane) and never saw or heard of Crappie on Sammamish. If I had not seen the pics, I would think you were messing with us. It is nice to see a growing population of a variety of fish there. Before I new what a Kokanee was, we caught a lot of them "Silvers" on Sammamish.
Thanks wafisherman20 for showing us how to do it. I will be putting my boat in on Sammamish this Saturday afternoon. Maybe we can meet up then or another day. Your day is a dream for most of us.
12/12/2016 9:22:00 PM
hey everyone i am so sorry for being so incredibly late (six months) in my response to these comments.
To start, I assure everyone they are trout. they had been left in the water for a long time post-mortum, so they started to lose their color and turn brown. it is hard to tell in the picture, but all tails had spots, all bodies and spots, they had deep "cuts" under the jaw, and their lips went past their eyes. the fine for keeping a Kokanee in Sammamish is way too high to even risk it, let alone the ethical reasons to simply follow the law.

secondly, that day was a dream day. that was the first time my buddy had fished with me and it could not have been better. Rarely do i ever take this many fish from a body of water. i believe only take what you will eat and luckily we had a great family cookout and fed a whole crowd some delicious fish.

I was shocked when i got my first black crappie in Sammamish. it was a few weeks before this trip when i did. then to smoke them that day, fantastic!

i also advocate for more people to consume/target the perch available in Sammamish. they are delicious and over-populating fast. perch (as many of you probably know) are incredibly predatorial, carnivorous and since they travel in groups (eating quite literally everything), they easily take over massive stretches of prime habitat for bass, crappie, and other fantastic and fun species. with some less perch, more of these species will populate making Sammamish an incredible fishery again.
the Perch also feast on salmon fry. with less perch, maybe Sammamish will eventually have another Salmon season!

lastly, id love to meet each and every one of you on the water/take you out for a day. just send me a message and we can work it out!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709