Blind Squirrel
7/5/2016 5:38:00 PM
Blind Squirrel
7/5/2016 5:38:00 PM
7/5/2016 9:33:00 PMwhere see bluegill?
I think I see a black crappie, some descent size perch (maybe rock bass on #3 hook) 2 rainbows on 7th hook and perch on the 6th and 8th hooks?
Also.. baiowolph....
Rock bass in curlew? not just small large mouth bass? I didnt find any last year, but iv e only fished it the last two years. Would be a bummer, as I remember them overpopulating large areas in Lake Tapps when I was a kid.
Any descent size to the yellow perch in curlew?

7/5/2016 10:32:00 PM
Blind Squirrel
7/7/2016 10:51:00 PMhttp://www.spokesman.com/stories/2012/jun/17/field-reports-illegal-perch-plan-grim-for-curlew/