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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Horseshoe Lake Report
Pend Oreille County, WA



66° - 70°
Mostly Sunny
All Day
66° - 70°

Well it was time to give the lake Roosevelt kokanee a break and go to our annual family camp out at Horseshoe lake. Our family has a lot up there and we really enjoy the serenity of the lake. It's a 5 mph lake so no jet skies or wakeboarders! Fishing can be hit or miss depending on the day. The weather was very unsettled with a huge rain storm Saturday morning. We had camp breakfast with the gang and I took my wife out for some kokanee trolling.

The kokanee this year are a little bigger at around 10". We troll three colors lead core with a #1 Dick Nite 50/50 at 1.8-2.0 mph for the kokanee action. Caught a few. Also had a top line out with one ounce of lead 100' behind the boat with a trout looking plug on it. WOW the plug got hammered! Handed the rod to my wife and the battle was on. Having caught some lakers at Chelan I had a pretty good idea of what was on her line. The reel was screaming and Diana wasn't gaining on the fish. My grand son inlaw was handling the boat against the howling wind and I was coaching. Picked up on the drag a little and Diana began to gain on the beast on the end of her line. Then we saw it....holy mackerel it was a monster! Luckily I still had the bigger net in the boat from fishing the monsta kokanee at Roosevelt. Finally managed to get it in the net and in the boat. Yahooo high fives all around. Biggest fish we ever landed at at Horseshoe since I have been going there for the past 50 years. I didn't have a scale but I would guess somewhere between 6 and 8 pounds? The fish in the mouth in the picture is a 10" Kokanee.

We also caught a great mess of perch and had a perch fry for the whole gang at breakfast. The other picture is my grand daughter with three trout she caught while we fished for perch. What a great time we had in spite of the rain. Time spent with family is priceless.

Tight lines - Alan
"The Experiment Must Continue"


Fish Dawg
7/13/2016 10:34:00 PM
3 colors lead core, no way! Where did you get that idea???


Thanks for sharing!

7/14/2016 7:37:00 AM
Thanks Dawg - It was interesting the kokes were in the top 18' so I sent the Fish hawk down to check the temperature. The surface was 67.4,
5'- 67, 10'- 58, 15'-52 and 20' 49 degrees! No wonder the kokes were up high; that's some really cold water. The Macs were at 50' I didn't check the temp down there but it has to be cold. Macs really put up a fight when you get them up high on lite tackle.

3 colors lead core....eh that came from my father in law 50 years ago while I was dating his daughter.
7/16/2016 9:07:00 AM
Wow! What a fish Alan and so nice to see Mrs. Downriggeral plying the waters with you. :-)

Looking forward to some time at the lake next week, me and "Mrs. Hewesfisher" will be chasing Roosevelt kokes. I already know who will catch the most or biggest. LOL.
7/16/2016 10:23:00 PM
Thanks hewesfisher - go have some fun!
By the way if you happen to go to Horseshoe don't forget it's a 5MPH SPEED LIMIT; NO WAKE PLEASE. Thanks - Alan
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709