Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
File this under "you never know"....
Visiting relatives on Orcas Is, like we do every July, my son and I make a trip or two hiking into Twin Lakes in Moran State Park. Very pretty spot, the eastern brooks in the larger lake usually run 7 to 10 inches. Colorful, tasty trout, nothing spectacular.
Until this year.
We found the trout more than willing to strike little 1/32 oz. black Rooster Tails tipped with a tiny piece of worm. Missed many strikes but landed 10 brookies...get ready...from 11 to 16 inches!!! Monsters for this lake, must be a cyclical thing, never seen them this big in many years. Biggest brookies I've seen in ages, who would have thought they would come from a lake on Orcas Island? Wow. And my dumb self, figuring we had plenty of shots of little brookies from here, neither I nor may son brought a camera or phone for a picture.
Make the 2.2 mile hike, very easy, from Mountain Lake trailhead to Twin Lakes for brookies. Bring your ultralight stuff, it's great this year.
The Landlord
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service