7/25/2016 9:25:00 AM
7/25/2016 9:27:00 AMTight lines - Alan

7/25/2016 12:05:00 PM
7/25/2016 7:15:00 PMI have fished that lake for the last 30 years, Trolling speed is very important on that lake. Slow and lots of twists and turns while trolling. Most bites come when making the turn into the line, dropping the lure down and slowing it down. Towards the end of the fishable season up there, the lake level drops enough to make passage up the Little Kachees impossible. When that happens I move to the opposite side of the lake and go to where the stream from little lake dumps into the bigger lake. You can follow the stream bed down and the action is usually red hot then.

7/25/2016 8:33:00 PMRight now it is sitting at 90%, of the big threee resivoirs, Kachess is usually left last to drain.