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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Kachess Lake Report
Kittitas County, WA


71° - 75°
Mack's Wedding Ring
61° - 65°

Fished from 7 am till about 12:30pm and was constantly getting bites but had a hard time keeping the fish on. Usually this isn't a problem for me but it seems the mouths are softer this year. Out of about 20 bites I only managed to get 2 in the boat. Had alot of fish up to the boat but as soon as I reached for the net they would magically slip off and back down to thier 35ft waiting area. Trolling at .9 to 1.2 mph 35 ft on the wire using a 4 inch silver herring dodger with a wedding ring with worm and white corn scented with anise oil.
Also had another pole set up with Jack Lloyd flashers with wedding ring, same bait. Three oz weight and would let out 35 ft of line so that put me at about 25 ft. Got plenty of bites but nothing seemed to stick on that pole. I was switching back and forth between poles just to see if one was more productive than the other.
Overall, a fun day with plenty of sunshine and a bit of a sunburn. Sorry, no pics but fish are bout 10 inches in size and nice red meat. Should be good smokers.


7/25/2016 9:25:00 AM
Thanks for the report. Loosing fish is no fun but better then not getting a bite!
7/25/2016 9:27:00 AM
Hi ArrowNaughtic - Thanks for the report. Are you using the factory tied hooks? Hooks like the Gamagatsu wide gap in the dropshot/downshot series with thin wire make a big difference. Low speeds don't seem to make for very good hook sets but sometimes it seems the fish aren't biting that hard anyway.
Tight lines - Alan
7/25/2016 12:05:00 PM
I have also switched over to Gamagatsu size 6 Big River hooks. I seem to have a bit more luck landing the fish with these hooks. Thanks for the report. I have never fished the lake, but have wondered about the fishing every time I drive by the lake.
Mike Carey
7/25/2016 2:27:00 PM
on my bucket list. thanks for the report.
Mike Carey
7/25/2016 2:27:00 PM
oh, how was the water level?
7/25/2016 7:15:00 PM
Lake level is about midway Mike, that means about 4 weeks tops for launching off the concrete boat launch. After that it becomes 4WD launchable but not so fun. As for the wedding rings used, I take apart the factory hooks and use my own #6 hooks in tandem, spaced about 2 inches apart. Worm goes on first hook and 2 pieces of corn on the trailing hook are the ticket.
I have fished that lake for the last 30 years, Trolling speed is very important on that lake. Slow and lots of twists and turns while trolling. Most bites come when making the turn into the line, dropping the lure down and slowing it down. Towards the end of the fishable season up there, the lake level drops enough to make passage up the Little Kachees impossible. When that happens I move to the opposite side of the lake and go to where the stream from little lake dumps into the bigger lake. You can follow the stream bed down and the action is usually red hot then.
7/25/2016 8:33:00 PM
Mike, you can view the lake level at this site: http://www.usbr.gov/pn/hydromet/yakima/yaktea.html
Right now it is sitting at 90%, of the big threee resivoirs, Kachess is usually left last to drain.
the doc'
7/26/2016 9:53:00 AM
size 6 hooks? for what- 8" kokes? Smallest i use, is 4. and, i just switched up to size 2, and even 1, as a trailer. the fish grow, as the year moves on. so should the hooks. i also have a long handled net. you dont want the fish to get any closer than 5 or 6' from the boat, at netting moment. lost fish are horrid. I had a day last week, when it was pointed out to me, the fish grew. so should the hooks. lol. so, im ready now. try owners "mouiskitto hooks, in #2.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709