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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Baker Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



Mostly Sunny
66° - 70°

Round 2 of camping and sockeye fishing at Baker Lake.

7-29-16 - Friday morning we fished from 7:30am to about 11:30am. We caught 3 sockeye that morning all in the area around the campground (Horseshoe Cove). Two were caught at 50ft and one was caught at 60ft. Highlight of the morning was my 7 year old daughter reeling in her sockeye all by herself. She was so determined to mark something on her punch card, and she did.

7-30-16 - Saturday morning my dad, brother and I head out at 5am to the waypoints I had marked the day before. Of course the fish were not in the same spot as the day before, so we had to troll around for a couple hours before we find them. We end up landing 5 sockeye in the area around the campground. We marked our waypoints when we land a fish, and kept trolling between them which worked well for us. We would have fished longer, but we got hungry and our ice was melting pretty fast so we head back to camp around 10am.

7-31-16 - Sunday morning, we head out to our waypoints from the day before once again at 5am. We trolled between our waypoints from the past 2 days several times. We didn't mark many fish today, and only saw 1 caught all morning. I'm not sure what happened, but the fish didn't seem to be holding in this area today. Thats fishing I guess. While we didn't get any sockeye, we did catch and release two nice size dolly's. We called it at 9am, and head back to camp for some coffee & breakfast before packing up camp.

I have to give credit to our camp neighbor last weekend for our success. He gave us tips on what was working for him, and I believe we wouldn't have done as well as we did without his tips. Our rigs were basically chrome dodgers, 1.5" pink uv hoochies tied on 14" of 30lb leader, two 2/0 red hooks with uv beads and pink smile blade. For bait, I used firecure shrimp with various scents added in. I had about 4 different bags of shrimp and would change them out until I found what the fish wanted. I'm believe if you can locate some fish, they will bite, but the hardest part is locating them. You can only cover so much water trolling at 1mph and there seems to be a small window in the morning when they will bite which is between 6-10 am.

Good luck out there.


bob johansen
8/1/2016 11:29:00 AM
Keep a copy of this report and the photos. your daughter will love these when she is my age.
8/1/2016 5:08:00 PM
Post or email me a image of the hoochies with rigging? Need to make some up and my father is coming in town next week. Thanks Great Family images your daughter will treasure them for life. Tight Lines.
8/2/2016 9:42:00 AM
Thanks. I hope she remembers these trips when shes older.

I don't have any pics, but it was basically 30lb p-line fluorocarbon leader, two 1/0 red Gamakatsu octopus hooks tied close together, a 4mm pink uv bead, 1.5" uv pink squid, two 4mm pink uv beads, pink smile blade, 4mm pink uv bead then barrel swivel. Overall length from tip of barrel swivel to back of trailer hook is 14".

This is my 4th year targeting Baker sockeye and have learned to not go up there expecting to catch fish, but just enjoy the trip. The rigs that work one trip may not work the next, and the areas that caught fish one trip may be fish less the next. Just like our experience on Sunday, we thought we had them dialed in Saturday, and couldn't buy a bite. Good luck out there.
9/18/2016 6:41:00 AM
Am looking for an open seat for pre-fall fishing at Baker. Responsible, licensed, no drama type. Respectful smoker.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709