Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Very excited to report that i talked the wife into letting me get another down rigger yesterday! Its a used big john manual that I talked a friend out of. Its not flawless but after i cleaned the drag disks it is working like a champ.
Got the wife and kiddos out of bed at about 4:15, upper lake launch at about 5:15. Bathroom break out of the way for every one and boat in the water by 5:30. Bite was out of this world hot. 4 of us in the boat, most i could manage was 3 poles out. We had 3 doubles in the net at the same time, and one triple with 2 in the net and one over the side rail. It was nuts!
I tied up some new hoochies with some 20lbs seagar floro. The kokes are hitting so hard ive snapped a few 14lbs leaders on the bite, and thought i just missed them and drug around a dodger with no rig behind it... oops. So the 20lbs test fixed that problem. 2 downriggers is a game changer. We got our limits by 8 oclock. Using corn died pink, so its bait. Kept 14 kokes, and c&r 6 rbt. Got home cleaned the fish and made it to work by 10. Our 11 year old fought both of the fish on the last double of the day by himself. He sure has gotten good. He went 5 for 5 today! What a great way to start my work day!!!
Going to be there tomorrow, and again on monday. Orange hoochies, chartreuse hoochies, uv burst smile blades, macks DD dodgers 4.4 nothing but bucks for the mature fish today. 2 juveniles today at about 12 inches. Biggest of the year today at a honest 15". Downrigger at 30 ft in 40-90 fow.
The bucks are starting to show a little color change, so spawn is comming. We are trying to get as many trips as we can before its over.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service