9/6/2016 10:00:00 AMBy the sounds of it, later this month we'll be spending a day or two on Potholes/Moses Lake and 2-3 on Banks. I'm really wanting to spend more time on Potholes, but unless those walleyes finally show up, I'm afraid the northern lakes will get more of our time. Either way, with this new (to me), larger motor, I'm really looking forward to exploring the bigger lakes more.

9/6/2016 3:12:00 PM
9/6/2016 6:30:00 PM
9/16/2016 9:49:00 AMHonestly, though, you are, as is WBD and everyone else reporting. I/we appreciate any and all information we can glean before heading out there. Being from west of Seattle, it is a significant commitment heading east and anything that can be learned to make it a better experience is a huge plus. So keep those reports coming in, especially over the next week to 10 days - a number of us will eagerly be awaiting them!